
Friday, June 29, 2012

Being Vegan isn't gonna kill you folks :-)


I heard it and I'm still hearing it over and over again! Being vegan is "unhealthy"! You will lack vitamins! Really?! I'm pretty sure I'm healthier than our meat-eater folks :-)

Why including meat in your diet? seriously? When you can find proteins here:

  • Soy Protein (equivalent in value to animal protein)
  • Almond Milk, Rice Milk, Soy Milk, Hemp Milk, etc.
  • Grains: wheat, brown/white rice, barley, pasta, bread , oats, buckwheat, millet
  • Peas, seeds like sesame seeds and even pumpkin seeds
  • Nuts: cashews, almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, etc.
  • Beans, lentils, red kidney beans, black beans.

What about iron? Easy, green vegetables are perfect sources!
And this famous B12 vitamin? cereals, soybeans, miso soups...
You will eat a limited range of foods. No way! Do you think that eating the same damn burger isn't boring?
Energy? Come on, if you eat regularly and healthily your body won't slow down!

Actually, I guess that I've always been  vegan without realizing it.
To me, it is the healthiest way of eating and living . Since I went vegan, I'm more aware of what is in my plate and I spend more time in my kitchen brainstorming new recipes and I LOVE IT!
Let's face it, we are living in a consumer society in which brands control most of our eating habits : Eat this chocolate, try out the new chicken burger... But the reality is that million of cows, pigs are slaughtered every day to satisfy human greed. We've got to let those animals live the way they should. Not to mention all the sh!x"% present in our dairy products. Full of animal fat, salt, unhealthy stuffs... Brands make money with that and many people complain once they reach 40 that they've got cancer or other diseases. Let's say that controlling your eating will make you live longer and feeling less guilty as well as not dependent on brands. Being vegan made me change radically. I feel delightful and full of energy. Furthermore, It is better for the environment and for yourself.
             Being vegan is more than a diet, it is a lifestyle!

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