
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Make your own sesame/rice/coconut/Almond milk- mandulatej/rizstej/kókusztej

When people decide to learn how to make rice milk, they often expect that a lot of special equipment and supplies are required. The reality, however, is very different and rice milk can be made at home using store cupboard ingredients and normal kitchen appliances. The principle for making rice milk at home is the same whether you use white or brown rice. This involves extracting the liquid or milk from cooked rice. There are many ways of doing this and people soon develop their own preferred system.
  • 1 cup of brown rice
  • 4 cups of water
  • Flavorings as required.
Note: The proportions of rice to water may vary depending on the type of rice used and your own preference for thick or thin rice milk.
  1. Rinse the rice well before cooking
  2. Add the water and rice to a pan and cook the rice gently until the rice is thoroughly cooked and very soft - do not drain the rice
  3. Use a food processor to liquidize the rice and water mix
  4. Strain the liquid through a piece of cheesecloth or muslin if required (this will create a smooth rice milk)
  5. Add flavorings as required


There are many ways that the basic method of making rice milk can be varied.
  • Flavorings such as syrup, honey (not for a vegan diet), sweetener or even cocoa powder can be used to give added taste to the milk.
  • White rice can be substituted for the brown rice. This gives a thinner milk.
  • Less or more water can be added to create milks of different consistencies.

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